Saturday, April 25, 2009
Yesterday I noticed my bunny all the way over on the far side of the yard. After a while, he moved into the bush on that side, and I feared he had set a new nome base and was working his way out of my yard.
Note also the flowering on the palm plant in the bush! Never saw anything like that before!
Back to the bunny...
Today, I opened the back door and BAM! There he was! Nibbling the grass around my car again! He watched me as I moved a bit closer, and then went back to his feeding.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!
I remember the first one... too bad we didn't pay more attention back then.
Drive 50.
Meanwhile, this marks the release date for Disney's newest label/film, harking back to Walt's originating the nature series on his TV program way back when we were young. The reviews say this is very good, picking up there and taking it to a whole new level with stunning photography.
I have not seen it yet, but I did note that it is being heavily promoted at this year's Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot, including an area just to the side of the fountain exit of the Mickey Store with a very large sand sculpture. I was surprised when I dropped by yesterday and saw that they had replaced the original sculpture with a new one, so here are both!
Above is the sand sculpture that was in place on the opening day of the Flower and Garden Festival, and I shot it on March 20th.
This is what is there as of April 21st when I stopped by briefly on my way back home from the Space Coast.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Taking a break this early evening from my music editing work, I was out in the yard when I spotted my bunny. I stood and watched and he seemed okay with my presence at distance, and then he moved down the yard a bit a to a point where I could hide behind the power pole and get a bit closer, so hoping to get a closer shot, I quietly turned to go inside and get my camera: as I turned, I was shocked to see another identical bunny about five feet behind me! He was a bit shocked to see the "power pole" move too, and we stood there looking at each other for a minute or so, then he made a mad dash to the car, and I gently walked to the porch and into the house.
When I came back out with my camera, I headed for the power pole and saw that that bunny had disappeared. The second bunny was back by his "home" and sitting there calmly, so I watched him for a bit, grabbed some shots from a slightly better angle light wise and then, having gotten closer and feeling that he was not so timid with me as before, I decided to go in and get a piece of celery and offer it to him. I came out with it and he was still in his "yard", and I went to the left to approach him from where I had been before, and approached as much as I dared, and then put the piece of celery down about 7 feet from him, and backed off another ten feet and sat.
He seemed curious at my sitting and nestled himself into a sitting position to watch me. Neither of us moved and I eventually decided to go move the celery closer. I went on all fours, thinking it would be less threatening then walking and picked it up, waved it gently in my hand to show him, and holding i forward, crawled a bit closer, watching him closely and again approaching as close as I dared, probably five feet or less.
I switched the celery to my left hand and with my right, gently removed the lens cover from my camera that was hanging from my neck and brought it up to my eye- this did cause him to sit up and get ready to bolt, but seeing I made no further approach, he stayed, but now alert. I got the best picture yet! I then gently tossed the celery to one side of him, clearly non-threatening, but that was enough and he bolted into the bush.
I went back in, and after a few minutes opened my door a crack and saw that he was back out, but not going after the celery. I stepped out on the porch and talked to him- told him to try the celery, but he listened but ignored me. I said fine and went in to watch Jeopardy.
During the next break, I opened the door again and I saw him approaching the celery! I watched and he finally got there, and seemed to sniff it, think about it, and then left it.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Was over at the store today and spotted a really sweet car in the lot!
Came home and was sitting quietly outside, camera at the ready, trying to get a shot of one of my birds. I was behind the side of my porch, set back, out of sight, when suddenly, my bunny bursts into view and freezes! I think he was a wee bit surprised! And I having my camera ready and already zoomed to max, got some good shots!
After a bit, he scooted back under my car, and then sprinted across the ground in front of me over to what I suspect is the area of his "home" and stayed out for quite some time, apparently calm enough with my presence (and stillness!) as he sat there grooming himself!
And then it dawned on me: it was almost exactly a year ago that I last saw him!