Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I went over to the Citrus County Community Center today and the first thing that struck me was another beautiful sky on this gorgeous Florida day!

After getting a chiropractic adjustment at the County Health Clinic, I headed over to check out a matter with the American Legion VA rep on the other side of the building, and coing out of there, noticed the Circle of Friends Gift Shop. I scooted in, and at first, it seemed like nothing but jewelry and "girlie" things, but then I spotted a couple of wonderful ornaments! I bought three. And I don't even do a tree!
Monday, November 21, 2011
I bought the DVD- got it last week... watched it a couple of days ago and what a great movie!
My sincere compliments and admiration to those who put this together (Editor? Director?) for they did a truly impressive and un-noticeable job of it.
And the ending kills! Wow!
Excellent job!
Oh! The sound editing was perfection! Extraordinary!
Unreservedly recommended!

So, this morning I peek out to check the temperature- nice, and I notice a depression in the grass at the back of the car.

That is where I saw the bunny. (See next entry.) Apparently, after I retreated back into the house, he moved under the car.

I looked around a bit and liked the color and textures in the trees.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Son of a gun!
Haven't seen my yard bunny in quite some time. Just stepped outside, dark, and as I came back in I noticed a sightly lighter blob of something in the darkness of the grass. Paused and stared, and as my eyes adjusted, I recognized my yard bunny!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
If you go down a few entries, you can see the new camera storage rack/hanger I made last week. Last night I finished and hung two matching bins to go with it, to hold accessories, like batteries and chargers, waterproof bag and a few other bits and pieces. Now it's all off my desk and more readily accessed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Woke up this morning, and decided I wanted a steak. Had to do some errands too, which led me up to Crystal River, and happily, to Cody's Road House. Love the atmosphere here and have always wanted to get a good shot of that truck out front...

Cool little water fountain!
When I started driving, the number was 17... really.
Now that's what I wanted!
Loved this upholstery!
I told my waitress to bring me a plate with a steak on it and nothing else. Right, nothing I want a steak. When I declined even a glass of water, she rolled her eyes and gave up. But she did suggest blackened- which I liked! Look how juicy that thing is! Yum!
With Thanksgiving coming up, which I did do here one year, figured I'd post this too!
Monday, November 14, 2011
It was a stunning Moon rise last night.
Jupiter has now pulled so far ahead of the moon that I had to tilt the camera to get them both in the same shot, but still impressive.
And I used the tripod this time to try and get Jupiter's moons. Only three show up in this image, with the movement of 15 seconds showing. I am thinking the earlier seen 4th moon is hidden in the brightness of the planet itself.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Last night, Jupiter was glowing long before the moon came into view. Here, Luna finally is just clearing the tree tops at the edge of my yard as Jupiter sits high in the clear night sky.

On Friday, as I scooted along the walkway beside the flamingos' area, they stampeded! Had never seen it quite like this before. Was told it is nearing mating season, so I imagine there is some sort of sorting going on. Alpha Pink?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Keeping up with Jupiter, night three shows it moving way ahead of the moon.

Yesterday, I joined some friends who had come into the area for the day and took advantage of the free admission at Homosassa Springs Wild Life State Park. I got a few pictures that really pleased me and here is the first of the "Tree/Sky-scapes". [click on it to enlarge.]
The 4 year old granddaughter wanted to see the reptiles, so we entered the reptile house and I got this shot of this beauty!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Went out about midnight to check Jupiter again- now leading the moon by quite a bit, and also had some significant cloud cover but managed to get a point where it cleared over both celestial objects. Click on the image to enlarge and Jupiter is in the lower right corner!

This morning, I was awoken by my power failure alarm and stepped outside to see if it was me or the neighborhood... It was cold. A reminder: this is FLORIDA!!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Homosassa Springs Wild Life Park will have free admission for everyone this Friday, November 11th in honor of Veteran's Day!
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
So, a bit more ready tonight, I checked the moon at Dusk and given the lessened contrast was able to get a better shot of it in the brighter evening sky. However, Jupiter was not yet visible for the same reason.

Later, now fully dark, this was the best I was able to do, but you can see that compared to last night, Jupiter has really pulled ahead!
In between the two shots, I attended the local presentation of a National Teach-in sponsored by The American Dream Movement that took place in 361 locations all across the United States at 6pm this evening. Our local presentation took place at the Lecanto campus of the Central Florida Community College and was led by Michael Fahey. The audience was quite divergent and some lively discussions were held on the points brought up in the presentation. The title of the presentation was "How the 1% crashed the Economy". Got some good information- and some history, and even had a plant!
One of the slides in the presentation I just couldn't resist taking a shot of- pretty eye-opening stuff! To view the presentation, click on this link. I strongly recommend you do for your own enlightenment.
I also met a few people and discovered that there is actually an Occupy Citrus movement! Friend them on Facebook.
Labels: American Dream, Jud, Move On, OWS
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Okay! So, tonight and tomorrow night, Jupiter is hanging out near the moon- about ten degrees behind it. Very bright! Easy to spot with the naked eye if it's clear. This first shot is the moon and there below it and to the left, that's Jupiter!

This net shot, at much higher zoom, is a long exposure of Jupiter and though it is hardly a great shot, you can clearly see it and four of its moons! Pretty neat!