Friday, December 31, 2010
Illuminations with the Holiday tag as seen from the 17th floor Presidential Lounge Balcony at Bonnet Creek Resort. on 30 December 2010.
Note, the camera is new to me and the bad focus is on me!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Castle Lighting 26 Dec 2010
The Osbornes of Little Rock Arkansas. Mr O, right, created it for his then very young daughter, Mitzy, next to him. Mrs. O is on the left. This was taken at the opening ceremony on 28 December 2010 at Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park in Florida.
December 26, 2010 Jud and the Jackson Family
December 28, 2010 Jud and the Jackson Family
I got a present! The Jackson children decided I needed a Penguin Pillow Pet! I LOVE it!
Best wishes for a good 2011!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Opened the new Panasonic Lumix FZ 35 today and gave it a test vid in low light to check the ability of the autofocus. The firstvideo was done in the AVCHD Lite setting but rendered to AVI to show here. Much better than the Canon SX1 IS which I sent back today.
This is a similar video only this is an AVI rendering from an MPEG 4 original as opposed to the AVCHD Lite in the first test vid.
Just came in (12:30am Dec 24- Happy Christmas Eve!)- dawned on me let's see what this FZ35 does for night sky- checked scene modes and had "starry sky"! Choose 15 30 or 60 second exposure! I chose 60. Wow. Here ya go!
I have to send you to it on Photobucket so you can really get this! (click to enlarge.) Note Orion at the top, and the movement of the stars during the exposure! This is incredible!
The camera itself is lighter and only slightly larger than my beloved Oly C-740. Much bigger LCD screen on back, and bigger lens. Also has threads for attaching auxiliary lenses, such as a poloroid and UV lenses or the 2x and 1/2 x options.
Thursday, December 23, 2010

So, spent two hours just to get a script writ, then an hour for Publix to fill it- arg! So hit Beef O'bradys mainly to kill time, and saw this outside- love it!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Merry Christmas!

97 new images from Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge, Animal Kingdom, and Magic Kingdom.
Had invite to join Kaylene and some others at Animal Kingdom Lodge, Boma restaurant, for breakfast. Had to get on the road by 6:30. Saw sunrise on the way. Arrived early, did some shooting around the lodge, got the crew to smile, and then joined the group of 11, mostly members of the Disney Mom's Panel. I hadn't known it was the Disney Moms Panel Reunion and Training weekend for the new Moms!
Ate lots, had gluten free Mickey Waffles, took lots of photos, headed out and broke up, five of us heading to Animal Kingdom for Maria to do her first time on the extreme coaster Expedition Everest. Did it twice. I shot vid. Great time!
Then over to Dinosaur to ride and shop. As we were about to leave there, it started to rain and that continued on for the rest of my time there and much of the afternoon.
Headed over to the Magic Kingdom separately, and I got there to discover that both my battery packs for my ECV were dead so decided to give it a shot and walk it. Headed in and met the others just inside the gates in Town Square. Headed to Columbia House where more of the group and some of the new Moms were eating and waiting for us.
Sat about there for a bit, met several of the new Moms, talked while some finished up, then another bunch of the group arrived and we filled the room at the end of the second floor. As we left it was raining for real, and we broke up again with about 13 of us headed over to Pirates of the Caribbean- arggg!
After the ride, Marc showed us a few special things from the movie subtly on display in the merchandise shop- and a chance to pose again.
From there, most of us headed over to Main Street for shopping, and it all sort of got broken up there and by that time my back had become so painful I decided to call it a day, and said my good bye's to those I could find and headed home.
Once I hit Inverness it was sunny again and I made it home in time to see the end of the second quarter of the early game!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
A bit of excitement in the neighborhood about 1:30 today. I heard a lot of trucks out front and doors slamming, and finally went out to take a look.

From what I learned, seems the guy across the street let his trash burn get a bit out of hand and it spread across the very dry grass onto four properties and was pretty much burned/put out by the time I got out there.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Apparently there was some degree of aerial combat in my yard this morning...

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Just back from shopping and delivering for "my" three kids. My sympathies to all parents out there! Egads!!! It's been a long time since I shopped for toys and I simply cannot believe the prices!!! Wow!

Very cold out there this morning, so had a couple of sweat shirts on, and put my new T-shirt on over it, gift from Robin in Texas!

While shopping in the toy department at the Super-duper and very crowded for a Tuesday morning Wal-Mart in Brooksville, I saw some new Tron toys! Pretty cool! (But again, the prices???!!!)

Monday, December 06, 2010
Hey Citrus County residents! (And others as it may apply!)
I was up at the county office on 19 in Crystal River today and they have an Angel Tree there. Go grab a tag off it and make a difference in some child's Christmas! I took the wishes of couple of young boys and one girl whose wish items touched me.
Just as an aside, it's been a long while since I shopped for childrens' toys and I am pretty shocked at the prices! Good luck parents! Wow!
Friday, December 03, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Just for the record, I did visit Niagara Falls myself back in the late 90's. This is just moments before I, alone among my party, headed up those steps and into the Falls themselves!