Thursday, September 08, 2011
Over at Kennedy Space Center, where until recently the United States used to launch men and women into space, this summer they had a special 'event' featuring Star Trek. It was called Sci Fi Summer.
It was scheduled to end on September 5th, and the summer crowds in Florida were scheduled to vanish a few days before that, so I made my plans to visit it at the last minute.
I arrived just before closing, 6pm, on September 1, bought an annual pass, a mere $13 more than a regular admission, and only $4 when they decided to give me a 'senior' discount... ???
Spent the next two days exploring both the special exhibit and the regular exhibits, rode the new Shuttle Launch Experience thrice, headed over to the Saturn V complex, saw two IMAX movies, one about the shuttle and one about the Hubble, and generally had a great time, though the last day was straining me and I didn't start till noon. Could probably use another couple of days there, cause I didn't even get to the Astronaut Hall of Fame which is good for at least a full day all on it's own and is included.