Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I have low ceilings.
I live in a mobile home- part of the deal.
But when you are tall, and then have a light fixture sticking down, it can get distracting.
Thus, for some time, I have been looking at some way of addressing this situation. My first idea was to build a light box that I could set into the ceiling, and I did come up with a fairly simple and workable design, but I could find nothing that even came close to being adaptable to it, and the costs of sheet metal being what it is, I was a bit hesitant.
Low profile light fixtures seemed to all be a lot more expensive than I was willing to pay, multiplied by four or five...
But last night, I was studying the existing fixtures, the "working parts", and since they had been designed for tradictional large and hot running incandecent bulbs, I saw that they extended down from the fixture with a lot of extra space now that they are sporting tiny cool running twisted compact flourescents.

That allowed me to readily tighten up the space that these bulb holders stuck out from the base.

I then had the idea to replace the base with a $3 pizza pan from Wal-Mart and not only greatly flatten the whole assembly out, but also create more reflective surface above the bulbs!

I am very excited about this! A fairly simple solution and I will not have to face the many added challenges of manufacturing and supporting a metal box inset into the ceiling!
I have an idea for a lens cover, but have not found any material that meets my desires yet, but for the meantime, I will be able to simply use the glass covers that are already in place, ugly though they may be.