Saturday, May 14, 2011
A long time ago, I started collecting souvenir magnets from places I visited. They were cheap, small, easy to carry (I was on the road at the time) and often quite attractive. I prefer the old, completely flat, incised, multi-colored, PVC type...

...though as they caught on, those have become harder to find, being replaced by more sculpted forms.

And then Disney got into it, and made hundreds if not thousands of various magnets, and my collection went through the roof: same thing they did with pressed pennies and lapel pins. And of course, what used to be an inexpensive and unique token of a visited spot became an over-done much higher priced "collectible". A typical lapel pin used to be $1.00, or maybe as high as $1.89 at some of the less frequented tourist sites: now they run from $6 to even $14 and higher at Disney, and the other places have followed suit though not quite to that extreme.
A few years ago, I wanted some sort of display for some of my magnets and made a display board to hang on the wall. Simple enough, I covered a sheet of galvanized metal with contact paper and screwed it to the wall.

That board having become completely filled, added to by a few very special post cards friends has sent me, I recently set about to make an additional display, but given the very high price of sheet metal now, I was looking for some alternative. I visited my local Wal-Mart and found a pizza pan for $3! I checked that it would hold magnets and having success, I bought two.

I used a few bits of picture hanging hardware and some duct tape to make a hanger, and later, after it failed, added some 3M double sided sticky foam tape and that has held so far. As a last resort, I could drill a small hole or two and simply hang it on a nail, but I am trying to avoid that.

The shiny metal was not a good background, so I got a can of primer and a can of flat white spray paint and sprayed both pans.

After that set up, I again found it to be an unsatisfactory background, and so then sprayed them flat black.

I still have to fully rearrange my collection, and am also going to use some leftover black foam core board to make a separate display for my postcards, but here's what I have so far.

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I have the yellow magnet with the shells...only mine says Ft Myers Beach. And I have the big colorful DISNEYLAND magnet too. The front of my fridge is covered with Disney magnets.
The pizza pan display idea is fantastic!
The pizza pan display idea is fantastic!
My dear friend Jud... Would you be willing to trade your Figment magnet for another vintage Disney magnet? I'll pull out that big bag I mentioned and take pictures of all of them for you! lol. Oh, and I'll convince mom along the way... ;)
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