Saturday, November 20, 2010
A couple of sky shots from Citrus County Florida today. Went to the first (daytime) showing of Harry Potter and grabbed one shot at the mall, and the second at home.

About half an hour into Deathly Hallows, Part 1, I finally figured out that Dumbledore was already dead and that I never saw movie 6!
I found it a bit slow, but then I was hurting pretty bad and quite uncomfortable, so I don't really trust my own review at this point. In any case, it was not bad: some scenes were amazing, and overall, I have to think it was very good, but very different.
I also felt more than ever that this was an abbreviated version of even the scenes they chose to include. You better know what is going on before you see it.
Best line in the whole movie came from the lady behind me at the end, "Damn, I didn't want it to end there!"