Friday, October 22, 2010
Hung and primed the ECV frame in the room under construction. Much to my surprise, it took two cans. Had to go buy a second can.

Gloss red finish coat covered a lot better than the primer: only one can!

So while the finish coat on the frame sets up, I went to work on the new connector for the steering column. Main thing is perfect placement and alignment while drilling through the 1 inch steel rod I had added to the fork.

I also went ahead and cut off the parts of the 'bending catch plate' that I never use and look really ugly. This allows the upper section of the steering column to be folded for transport and set at different angles for use- but I always used straight perpendicular for better wheel-feel.
And here are the drilled and prepared pieces of the new connector. In addition to the drilling, I had to file down the inside of the fitting- you know pipe has a welded seam inside? When dealing with a fitted piece, that gets in the way. Sprayed it black. It will be bolted to the two section to replace the weak tabs that had broken off and couldn't be repaired as covered earlier.