Sunday, October 31, 2010
Another spectacular sky the other day...

After finishing the new deck, and setting about reassembling the "Stretch ECV", I discovered that the control wire bundle was now a few inches short due to the increased length of the scooter body and height of the steering column.

After several trips to Radio Shack for 22 gauge stranded wire (no, not solid) and crimps connectors (no, this package has only 16, not 32- that was the other style you looked at, and you broke one), I added about 8 inches of length to the wire bundle.

I wrapped the new connections and all the wire from that point in several layers of duct tape and banded it in place, with enough length to now to reach to its connection point at the motor in the rear section of the scooter.

And now, up and running! [note: just found out that though Facebook SAID I could embed a video there anywhere, it was requiring people to sign up or sign in to see it so the heck with them, I have changed it to YouTube.]