Saturday, April 07, 2007
Oh man! I just made an awesome discovery! Actually two!!!
First, having noticed a peculiar thing the other day when I was scanning the labels off some albums in Optical Character Recognition, I decided to try to open the OCR reader without the scanner and see if it could "read" a jpeg with words in it AND IT WORKED!!! I can "read" text in images!!! This opens up a whole new world!!!
And second... On the label from the Beatles first British album release, Please Please Me, while proofing it I noticed something of historical interest. If you recall a few years back, and off and on through the years, a certain person has complained about the billing for the songwriting credit, and one of the arguments against him was it was always that way- alphabetical- and just stop crying. Well, on Please Please Me, the writing credit is... (McCartney- Lennon)!!! I couldn't believe it: blamed my OCR program, so went and looked at the label again and it is thus on every song they wrote!!!