Sunday, December 17, 2006


A long time ago in a city far far away... In the early 80's, I was living and working in Manhattan and for one short period, I was a biccle messenger. This came up in conversation today and I thought I would note my reply here too...
"Do tell Jud- I'm sure you've got some really great tales to tell about your messenger experiences. What poetic license?? Just curious."

Well, the poetic license is in calling these new very fancy and fitted bags messenger bags: the real bags were more akin to the old newspaper delivery bags that some of us used to carry in the wee hours of the cold mornings- just a sack on a strap!
As for tales, I was young and foolish- two of the job requirements for racing around Manhattan on a bicycle on a per job basis! My devotion to that line of work ended one winter day when I went down in about 6 inches of slush in front of an oncoming bus in Times Square.
It stopped and so did I.
On the other hand, I got to see- and briefly be in- some places few of my social standing ever do, such as the offices of both Donald Trump and I M Pei. Also was often in his model shop where they built the models of the buildings they were designing! That was cool!!!
Oh! And there was the time... Oh man was that a trip! There is a very special library for musicians on the upper West side, out of the way, something you would have to know is there. I had a delivery to the Librarian's desk as did another messenger who arrived about the same time. Had to elevator up one flight, and that is always part of the battle of the messenger business. So we both had our attention on that as a third rather large man entered and turned away from us to face the door as we rode up. He led as the three of us exited and each headed for the librarian's desk, and then it happened: he said, "Good afternoon, Miss XXX."
The other messenger and I turned immediately to each other and I assume my face looked as awed as his as we each nodded confirmation that yes, that was the voice, Darth Vader himself, James Earl Jones! Made my day!


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