Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Quick notes: DL'd and installed Microsofts Crticial updates last week, and over the following four days, the blue screen of death appeared at each use and evntually led to damaged code in the OS and a failure to boot... harddrive, with 6 months of un-backed up photos and writing is now on its way to the heroic Captain Nemo in NOLA in an attempt to recover my data...
Two lessons learned, back up weekly; don't ever DL an MS update again. (Earlier "patch" led to irksome glitch in WORD that they blamed on ADOBE for quite a while, but have at least stopped doing that...)
On the plus side, saw Cars and wow! Beautiful scenery and camera work- needs the big screen, so go out and see this one! Both myself and the young son of a friend who saw it decided to buy the DVD before the movie was half shown- and of course, stay for the credits...
Play rehersal goes on and shows great improvement to the extent I have decided I will not have to wear a flack jacket under my costume on opening night. Might even be good...
Still working on printing details on republication of my woodcarving book, but it is close...