Saturday, February 18, 2006


I headed back to my van and drove over to Down Town Disney, DTD, took a nap in the back while awaiting my afternoon appointment.
At about 3:30, I got up, set up my ECV and decided to kill some time in the World of Disney store. The store is undergoing major rehabs; apparently they are turning the corner sections into specialty stores for Adventure and Princesses. I looked around in general and specifically for some PVC character magnets, found a couple but then realized that Wendy had an Annual Pass and thus got a discount so decided to wait on the purchase. When I again headed outside I heard my name called and looked around to spot Wendy and Alan. I zoomed over to the table they had claimed along the waterfront just outside Ghirardelli’s. We chatted on for quite a while covering the days events and other trip highlights- Wendy does a lot for Give Kids the World and had had some adventures getting special Valentine gift bags filled and delivered over the previous week. Alan on the other hand was clearly anxious to show off his new treasure, a huge Valentines Day card that had been signed by all the Disney characters! What a treasure! And Wendy had a couple of gifts for me- a new Stitch cap and a pair of The Incredibles socks. I put both on and frankly the extra socks helped with the cooling day, aside from being cool anyway! Eventually, we made our choices for ice cream treat, and Wendy went in to order them. I stayed a bit conservative as usual, choosing basically a scoop of vanilla with a few add-ons. Wendy went with a banana split and Alan had some big fancy sundae that, once the waitress delivered it, seemed destined to make a terrible mess as he worked it from the overfilled glass to his mouth- chocolate dripping everywhere... there are worse things... Wendy pretty much inhaled her oversized treat while Alan and I yapped and more slowly delighted in our smaller, though equally delicious servings. Wendy finished first.

By this point, the sun was heading down, assisted by some heavy clouds and it was getting decidedly cool. Alan went to their car and got a sweatshirt for Wendy, gray, with bright pink script spelling out “Tink”- what else should Wendy of the UK wear??? We spent the next half hour or so perusing some of the shops and in the Christmas shop I modeled the gold 50th mouse ear hat, the first time I have ever put such upon my head, amazing to think! And I discovered a stall in the walkway where was advertised hand carved portraits. These were highly colored, almost like a printed photograph on wood, and I couldn’t tell to what degree the face is actually carved, though certain details clearly were. I got the name and phone number of the man who does these (they are sent out) and maybe I shall explore this further. They were quite striking.

A bit more walking and talking and we parted. I headed back home, deciding to forego a night in my van and another day in Orlando but the adventure wasn’t quite over yet. Upon arriving back in Citrus County, I stopped at a gas station to fill up the tank and figure out the mileage and cost of the days outing, and next to me was the most striking bright yellow vehicle! And on the front of it was a Mickey Mouse decal! I grabbed my camera and asked the owner if I could snap a couple of shots, and then we chatted a bit. He explained that it was a Honda Goldwing, modified with a special kit, and it had all the bells and whistles! The two seats were like elegant dining room chairs, complete with armrest, purple velvet; it was equipped with a CB and AM/FM radio, which fed the headset he wore. A huge cup holder centered in front of the driver provided refreshment and he was ready to go. Having heard that even the largest bikes get uncomfortable after a couple of hours, but noting these seats were more seat and less saddle than the typical motorcycle seat, I asked him how long he could go comfortable: forever. It was a beautiful vehicle and except for the lack of room to carry things like carving tools and things, I could dream of traveling the roads of America on one for years! I wonder if it could pull one of those little trailers...

When I arrived home, I was delighted to see that most of my photos had delivered what I wanted- something I never know until I can view them on the puter screen- the camera screen is just too small. Unfortunately, most of the character shots at the breakfast were blurred, as no one seemed to be able to stop wiggling and jumping around! Damn characters!