Thursday, September 29, 2005
For those of you following along, the men from NASA never did call yesterday. I called my contact this morning and he said, “Oh, we never got around to calling you.” He said he would have the other fellow call me within half an hour: an hour later, I went out.
But I had to make sure I was back in time for the scheduled delivery of my new digicam today at 4:30. I got back home about 2, and there it was sitting on my back porch: my new Digicam!

My old and new digicams: the size differential is shown by the black square on which they both sit- same in both shots. The color differential is directly from the light handling charcteristics of each camera, each used to shoot the other. The old one went to flash for this shot, the new one didn't.
Sure, I may remain a bit behind the times with a mere 3 Megapixels, but at less than one third the price my brother paid two years ago, I can live with that. And with this camera, with delight!
This new camera feels like a camera, shoots like a camera, and is quick like a camera! I lost so many pictures last week at SeaWorld waiting for my old digicam to start, or recycle. This baby starts fast and can shoot 3 or 4 or even 6 photos before it needs to take a break to process them. And then even that is quick! Low light- no problem: handles all lighting conditions well. I have even shot the moon with it!
And the zoom? 10X optical zoom! Wow! Now I can sit in the dry seats and still get a good shot of that whale! Not to mention the various wildlife that often comes to my yard here in Homosassa, but won’t let me get close enough to get a good shot with my older 3X optical zoom.
My old digicam served me well, and I don’t want to say it was anything but a joy- the simple matter of having a good digicam has opened up so much photographically! Shoot a thousand frames- who cares! It’s all free! Bad shot? Do a bit of work on it in Corel and there ya go! I love this stuff!

The same shot taken with old and new digicams: the old, with its 3X zoom on the left had to be re-worked in Corel to lighten it enough to be visible; the one on the right was shot with the new digicam, handheld with the 10X zoom.
But now I will be starting from so much a higher point!
Ya, this is good.
First “official” shoot will be a return trip to SeaWorld next week. I have reworked the map and figured out a key to that mad layout of attractions- might even see if they want to buy my map. A bit different than what I posted the other day- hadn’t found the key then. Got it now.
Also working on a new seat for my ECV. The existing one gets old real fast. After a couple of hours, it hurts! So did a sketch for a new frame and support and located a local metal fabricator, but alas, so many hundreds of dollars, so will have to work out an alternative myself.
Meanwhile, a good map, a good camera…