Monday, August 29, 2005
Any of you who have read Haltia and the Third Planet know of my love of the Library of Congress. Well, today my love has grown!
When one registers a copyright, it is required that two copies of the work be sent to the Library of Congress. It is noted on that form that this does not mean it will be included or available in the LOC catalog or collection; that each title is considered on its own merits and may or may not be selected for the collection.
I was just taking a look to see if Haltia and the Third Planet, my commentary on life on Planet Earth thinly disguised as a sci-fi/fantasy novel had been so selected and alas, no... or maybe not yet.
But, I did discover that the relatively recently submitted Me & Tange: an Autobiography of an American Hobbyist Woodcarver has (already!!!) been added to the catalog!